Real Chai


Comcare Heath Month 2009 – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Organisation Exclusive Offer

FREE GIFT – gorgeous stainless steel teascoop (for the perfect cup of RealChai).

Hello lucky Comcarers! I hope you have enjoyed your delicious sample. Now that you know how to brew ReaChai perfectly and all about it’s health benefits, I’m sure you are keen to get your hands on some more.

So for November only I’ve made it even sweeter for you. With every 200g tin (in either flavour – yes there is a dark chocolate blend too!) you will receive a beautiful stainless steel teascoop absolutely FREE.

These cute little accessories will normally set you back $8.80 but because it’s Comcare Health Month and I really do want you to have the best, you get yours absolutely FREE.

It’s easy to claim. When you get to the adrdess section in the online checkout, simply enter the secret code found on your exclusive postcard and ill send it your way – together with your very own tin of the best chai in town.

The Kanchi® Magazine VIP OFFER:

Make your Chai experience even more deliciously comforting; receive a cream “cute as a button” cup warmer absolutely Free. (Offer valid for first 7 Kanchi® Magazine readers only: order online & using your exclusive code – you know what to do Kanchi readers :-)).

Get in fast. These cup warmers are too irresistible to miss out on. This offer applies only to orders of 200g and up. One cup warmer per order, per person.

When you enter your code you will notice a 25c discount. This indicates that you are one of the lucky first seven and you will be receiving a gorgeous cup warmer with my compliments!



The Kanchi® Magazine was launched to provide a glamorous, creative and interactive vehicle to showcase unique, inspiring and talented; individuals, businesses, products, services and places globally. Sydney based fashion designer Kanchi Williams is the creative force behind the label; which was launched as a result of her passion; for all things beautiful and glamorous and as a way of expressing her creativity.
